Because of You

Love is an amazing thing, and when you meet the right person it suddenly takes on a new dimension. UK poet Elle Smith sums up those feelings of being in love beautifully in this original poem called "Because of You": 

Dream for the 21st Century

'Dream for the 21st Century' is a contemporary poem by London poet, Elle Smith. It is often said that tears are never shed in vane, this inspirational poem informs us that tears actually birth a brighter and better future:


Original poem called Dream for the 21st Century by Elle Smith


The Cycle of Bullying

People often struggle to understand bullying and this original poem called 'The Cycle of Bullying' by Elle Smith in the UK, offers unique insight of that question:

Black is Positive

Words and indeed colours can conjure up very powerful images in the mind. This original and contemporary poem called "Black is Positive" by London poet, Elle Smith tackles the negativity often falsely associated with the colour black:

Somewhere over the Rainbow

This original poem called 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' by London poet, Elle Smith who associates that next place beautifully as being both happy and sad:


Often people struggle with saying 'Goodbye' and this Elle Smith original poem explains why this word can be so hard to say:

Layers of my heart

Love is an amazing thing and many wonder if they can have many loves in their hearts. This original poem by London poet and artist, Elle Smith, confirms that we can love multiple people in our lives in her beautiful poem "Layers of My Heart":


Dementia is a debilitating condition, which is so hard to express but the words in this contemporary, original poem by UK Poet Elle Smith who provides some insight via poetry. It is estimated that 1 in every 3 children born today will suffer from dementia in their lifetime. It's sad but true, so let's try to understand from the inside out, how it feels to be in the topsy-turvy world of dementia as described in this original poem:


Dementia Original Poem Elle Smith Inspired By Elle Contemporary Poetry Alzheimers


Any change

Being homeless is a state of affairs that many of us cannot imagine, but the perception and pleas for help may become lost in translation. This original, contemporary poem by London artist and poet, Elle Smith is called 'Any Change' and it certainly paints another perspective on homelessness:


Homelessness Poem called Any Change by Elle Smith London UK

Connecté en Cercles

Considérons-nous comment nous sommes reliés à d'autres, le monde est vraiment une petite place par Elle Smith de Londres. Connecté en cercles est un poème original et contemporain:

Dream Filled With Icons

Imagine having a dream where several iconic celebrities visit you to convey various statements, with one key note....of love. Introducing the contemporary poem 'Dream filled with Icons' by London poet, Elle Smith:

This is Why Children are Important

We have many pop stars who sing about children being the future, but do we truly consider why? London poet Elle Smith in the original poem 'This is Why Children are Important' offers some inspired ideas in verse: