Well, as I am reliably informed there are only three carnivals in the world that form the list of Best Carnivals in the World. They are Rio de Janeiro, Trinidad and Tobago and finally Notting Hill in London. Thus far, I have only achieved my local one in Notting Hill; in the UK, but the other two are definitely on my Bucket List of things to do.
We naturally tend to be apprehensive when reading or hearing the news about the imminent takeover by robots and algorithms, which eliminate jobs for human workers. Often the first examples of jobs at risk are blue-collar factory workers, service sector staff and taxi drivers. You will mentally pat yourself on the back because you think your white-collar job is not under threat from robotics, and automation:
Many of us do not understand mental health, and let's face it - the media does not tend to paint pictures that conjure anything but fear on this topic. However, we should empathize and place ourselves in the shoes of someone experiencing these challenges. I think we will then appreciate what a scary place it truly is, when suffering experience mental health issues:
A fashion trendsetter is someone who looks at fashion as an artistic form. You will need a creative eye, which is in tune with colour blends. It is vital that any potential fashion trendsetter is knowledgeable of current fashion trends, with great skills at acquiring a stylish wardrobe, capable of attracting a plethora of compliments.
It is quite telling that October has passed with low key publicity of National Domestic Violence Awareness. Maybe it demonstrates the silent voice of women perfectly, as although statistics demonstrate one in four women experience domestic violence in their lifetime, this is still a topic which is misunderstood and often taboo.
"There is no place like Homelessness" is a very real challenge being faced by many people. Homelessness is quickly becoming one of the biggest social issues of the 21st Century. It is not a problem reserved for refugees, and is rather closer than we realise to normal families as economic struggle hits captures more people and employment remuneration lessens.
This topic is a very evocative one, as it immediately fills my head with so many thoughts of why strength and fragility are partners to everything on this planet and its ecosystem. Some of the objects and creatures that we consider as being strong and powerful, are equally the most vulnerable and fragile. There is indeed a strength in fragility, as one would truly not begin to appreciate strength, unless we were equally able to experience fragility.
Fashion clothing and ethics may seem at a first glance, as not connecting at all. However, this is far from the truth. We all like to look good, and dressing up is something that most of us do as a daily routine. However, is there more to this need for self gratification, as there is always a cost to every action. Strange though it may seem there is good reason why we all need to be ethical about clothing, and in particular fashion clothing.
Art can provide relaxation from the stresses of everyday life, however it is not always possible to know of all the key art paintings that are memorable, and indeed provide art that everyone should know and appreciate. I have summarised some of those key paintings in this list of what I consider to be the current top ten.
Sleep is definitely time that is precious to us all, as it allows us to recharge our batteries. Elle Smith shares her creative list of ways to inspire an amazing night of sleep.
Many of you will only have yesterday learned about Lauri Love, however a rising number of people have been supporting him over the months as he has faced trial after trial in this matter. I suggest that given this case has been silent in mainstream media, we are seeing another measure of inequality in the UK.
Today is International Chocolate Day and I could not resist but publish my Elle Smith recipe for Chocolate and Pistachio Roulade, which just happens to be one of my favourites. Needless to say this will definitely take you to 'Chocolate Heaven'.