Key Information about Transhumanism

Science and technology have taken huge leaps forward in recent years, with humanity sadly lagging behind in even our perception of the sci-fi world seemingly being created around us. Transhumanism, and singualrity are perhaps terms most of us have no perception of, however given advances in genetic, robotics and artificial intelligence maybe speedy remedy to this lack of knowledge is required. This article provide key information about transhumanism.


Key Information About Transhumanism Elle Blog by Elle Smith


Synthetic Telepathy - The Future of Communication or a Dark Art?


There is much development in the world of technology making it truly difficult to keep up. I thought it would be great to update you on this new form of communication. Equally, it is important to consider the merits as to whether this is the future of communication, or whether it has implications as a dark art. The Neuroscience Research Institute of Europe in Sweden developed this new age of worldwide access to mind perusing and mind control technology. This technology has been the subject of much research and investment, especially by the military, intelligence agencies like DARPA, who recognize the value of this technology.

Article - Synthetic Telepathy - Future of Communication or a Dark Art by Elle Smith Inspired by Elle