How To Compile The Best Bucket List for 2016

Planning your the best Bucket List:

Well, I have great hopes for 2016 as it is already a leap year, so I am sure there will be much romance as the year progresses. It is certainly the case that the world we live in is desperate for more love in all forms.

Every year at this time people reflect on the year in closing, with plans to improve their life in the coming year. Many compile a Bucket List of things that they wish to do. However, I have found that whenever I compile a list of actual things then they never pan out exactly as I wish. I guess that is the danger of raising expectations. There are many places and pursuits that I would like to encounter and experience. However, I wondered whether the detail was where I was going wrong, and if I planned loosely whether I would achieve all of those wishes.

Ultimately, I would like my Bucket List to inspire enjoyment and fulfilment in my life, so I have compiled goals rather than events. I want to look back next December and realize that I achieved, so here we go: -
  • Do not try to achieve everything at once

It is never easy to compile any list, especially with important events, so do not put yourself under pressure. You can plan in stages and even add stages or items later. Please do not be discouraged and take your time before you start writing. Your list should be considered as a work in progress. It may require a few months to completely accomplish the list.

  • Start thinking outside the box

Most of the interesting things that are essential to be compiled in your bucket list for 2016 must really be considered. Of course you want to set your list apart from any other, so be creative in your thoughts. Even if you want to do something popular, try to include a unique aspect or twist as to how you go about it. This will ensure you create very special and lasting memories.

  • Target varied areas of life

Normally, when people are starting to write their lists, the most popular idea in the list is related to travel. Clearly, travel is great and allows you to see diverse parts of the world and experience different cultures, but maybe you can approach it differently. I was offered a holiday in Belize to stay at an animal sanctuary. I have not yet managed to take that holiday, but what an amazing concept to spend time looking after endangered animals in a sanctuary. Equally, this may be the perfect opportunity to explore your hobbies, alternative careers, hobbies, activities and relationships.

  • Vary your list by creating some easier to achieve aspects

It can be frustrating and disappointing if some do not taste achievement, which is why you should have a mixture of goals. Clearly, you will enjoy the pursuit more by having some events which are hard to achieve, expensive, challenging as well as easier one which may not even involve costs.

  • Include the things that you can do already do TODAY

To make this a reality, you need to rid the someday mindset. Things that you have within your horizon but simply have not had time for, should also form part of your list. They are achievable but perhaps require that you accept that it will take more than one day to arrange. It is often the case that if we cannot get things here and now, we dismiss them. Just because they do not happen at the drop of a hat, is no longer a problem in your new mindset.

Probably the most important thing about important events is the emotional side, and capturing the memories inspired by the list. Some people do not like photographs and want to have the raw experience, others simple want to share the experience with someone they hold deep feelings for. Whatever your preference, be inspired to make your new year better than the last!

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