10 Foods to Inspire an Evening of Love

10 Foods to Inspire an Evening of Love


 Elle Blog 10 Foods to inspire an Evening of Love by Elle Smith Inspired By Elle


For as long as man has been around, food has always been associated with romance. It doesn’t matter the time of the year, food can be an extremely sensual experience, but when we are thinking of a romantic evening either at home or outside, it's certainly the time to take matters up a notch or two.

Forget how you appear or the clothes you are wearing, the thing has the potential of making, or breaking your chemistry with that special person with you, could actually be food! Having said that, what are some of the most popular foods that make for a romantic evening of love? Mark your romantic evening with the following ten special foods. Talk of feeding the stomach and touching the heart!


  1. Seafood

Known for many centuries as a powerful aphrodisiac, the ancient Romans loved oysters, fattening them up with pastries and wine before consuming them at decadent parties. Such is the strong association between sexual desire and seafood that early priests were actually banned from consuming fish, as it was believed that it could interfere negatively with their celibacy vows. Having noted that, let’s look at the legendary oysters!

These little slippery sea creatures are some of the best-known edible aphrodisiacs globally. Oysters contain lots of naturally-occurring dopamine and zinc which are known to contribute to a healthy love life. For that extra kick, try oysters with a hint of wasabi or lemon juice.

Probably the most romantic of the selection of seafood is lobster, and a lobster thermidor main course is somewhere up at the top of the list of popular dishes for a romantic evening.


  1. Creamy Cheese/Cheese Fondue

There is something incredibly delicious and intimate about dipping your fingers into a beautiful bowl of creamy cheese in the company of someone special. Enjoy your pieces of cheese with your favourite bread, vegetables or fresh fruits. Another tasty treat is cheese accompanied by a paste of quince of black figs.

Chocolate fondue has always been a popular dessert choice, however a creamy cheese fondue is an exquisite savoury treat for two. Creamy and rich, a cheese fondue dinner should is not be rushed. Rather, savour the special moments over a lingering and long evening as you enjoy the company of someone special.

A delicious dish for two is a fondue of Vacherin Mont D'Or with white wine and garlic basted through the skin of the cheese. The cheese is then wrapped in foil and baked until melted and the aroma of garlic infused into the air. Served with fresh French batons, each person dunks pieces into the cheese. This is great as a starter for two, and certainly is lovely to arose the essence of a couple sharing.

Make sure to enjoy Vacherin when available as this is a seasonal food, only available between mid-August to mid-March each year. Personally, I think this can add to the meal experience, in that you are preparing something rare to share with your partner.


  1. Chocolate

It’s not debatable. The most romantic food anywhere across the whole world is undeniably chocolate. It might appear like you are taking the easy route, but the disarming texture and rich taste of chocolate stimulates the senses, is said to rev up your libido, certainly make the path to seduction a truly enjoyable experience.

This is an "essential" food group for lots of people, especially women. Chocolate is known to light up that part of your brain that deals with pleasure. No doubt, just what you need for that special evening. Chocolate is so rich and utterly blissful. Why not go ahead and indulge yourself with this globally acknowledged love food, and enjoy the pure bliss, that is chocolate!


  1. Whipped Cream

Whether you are enjoying your evening meal in the house or dining out, why not make it as hot as possible, even when served cold. Sugar and dairy fat come together in this heavenly tasting dessert topper that goes very well with cakes, chocolate, pies, fruit, pies, and indeed any delicious treat. Get creative as you create a perfect palette for your lover!


  1. Figs

Figs have over the years enjoyed a kind of versatility that goes unmatched by all other known aphrodisiacs. Besides being visually erotic, figs are heavily laden with magnesium, manganese, zinc and vitamin E, all of which are vital for your sexual health. However you order your figs, fried in honey, wrapped in bacon, or even stuffed with blue cheese, you can be sure that they will evoke sexy sentiments.

When combined with ricotta or rich salami, these ancient aphrodisiacs are one of the best ways of starting a romantic evening meal. And, are you aware that Adam and Eve in the Bible wore fig leaves in efforts to cover themselves? Take advantage of that unusual fact as a good conversation filler when those awkward moments come, especially on a first date!


  1. Peaches

Whether it’s the image of succulent orange nectar dripping down the chin of your lover or the naughty shape of peaches, this is a sexy fruit that evokes nostalgic longings for those carefree summer evenings. You may want to go for a peach with a strong aroma that will captivate your special friend. Slice the peaches and enjoy them when fresh for maximum effect.


  1. Risotto

Of course, no one knows more about romance than the Italians? For a perfect evening romantic date at home, why not try risotto? It’s creamy, beautiful, bursting with flavour, and totally vegan. This is perfect especially when you do the cooking jointly with your sweetheart. It takes good teamwork to prepare risotto, it gives you more time to bond, chat, joke, and set the mood as you negotiate who will do the veggies chopping, etc. Top it up by opening a bottle of wine to celebrate your evening meal and love.


  1. Steak

There is something special about a piece of well-prepared juicy steak. Unless you are a vegetarian, there's just something about meat that entices feelings of love. For a woman, if you are out to really impress him, try and order a steak.

Experts tell us that it’s insanely sexy to watch a girl who knows how to handle and cut a piece steak on her plate. So, avoid hacking it with your knife or jabbing it with a fork, and certainly, it’s un-ladylike to swallow a 4-inch piece of steak at a go. Remember when a romantic man sees the way you control of a piece of steak, it will give other romantic ideas of what can happen later on in the evening.


  1. Pork Chops Served with Port Wine Sauce

You might not count pork chops as a special dish for an evening of love. But the truth is that pork chops served with port wine sauce will take your evening to the next inevitable level. This is will be your perfect choice when you want to spend an evening of love indoors.


    10.  Guinea Fowl

This is an understated meat, which although originally a game bird, the guinea fowl is now domesticated and hence available all year round. It offers a unique tasting dark meat, which is much more palatable than other game.

It is a perfect choice for a romantic evening as it is very flavoursome, but still not overpowering. Cooking this bird can be as simple or complex as you desire, so you don't need to be a Cordon Bleu chef to produce a gourmet dish.

Ideally, the guinea fowl lends itself perfectly to roasting and can be cooked for a lengthy period, whilst you prepare starters and desserts. It is best cooked with herbs like rosemary, thyme or bay leaf combinations. Garlic is absorbed delightfully into the flesh of this meat, as is either white or red wine. 

Serve this bird with dauphinoise or lyonnaise potatoes and green vegetables, like broccoli or asparagus to delight the tastebuds.


Wine with Your Food

Wine is fine for any social occasion, but the popping of that wine bottle cork really instinctively triggers romantic feelings. Nothing beats wine as a romantic way to start your evening meal. Most wines are excellent appetizers and food-friendly. Find your favourite brand of wine, with your favourite friend and watch the love sparks fly!


Final Thoughts

While we are still on unique and romantic foods to inspire an evening of love, many will not think of honey, apples, and peppers as falling under that category. However, the Kama Sutra has made references to these unassuming foods. Furthermore, when you mash them together, according to this famous love guide, they are guaranteed to awaken amorous intentions in you.

The most effective and easiest route to an evening of bliss is to shed off all the pretence and simply enjoy your romantic meal and the company. Of course, choose the meal well. The evening is all yours, keep it clean and light; no one will feel romantic with a stomach that is bloated. Simply put - Enjoy your perfect evening with your partner.



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