How to do a Luxury Lomi Lomi Massage at Home

How to do a luxury Lomi Lomi massage at home


How to do a Luxury Lomi Lomi Massge at Home by Elle Smith of Inspired By Elle


A bit of History..


The Lomi Lomi massage is a Hawaiian therapy based on the Huma philosophy which believes that in order to realize good health and a rich quality of life, it is important to harmonize and balance both the mind and body because the two are closely interlinked. Lomi Lomi massage is based on the belief that a human being’s cell memories will either improve or negatively affect the whole body condition.  Traditionally, Lomi Lomi therapy was practiced by native warriors, royal servants, and family members.

Lomi Lomi was probably first practised by Polynesians, who brought their art to the Hawaiian islands, where it really became embedded in their culture. This massage has been in existence since the early 19th century, and is a mixture of native healing, restorative massage, martial arts and as a luxury soothing technique for the digestive system. Given the rich history in native custom, where herbs and even the laws of vibration of the universe are used to gather the energy necessary to perform this therapy. 

This massage was subject of much controversy to the authorities in Hawaii, who banned Lomi Lomi under a legal of curing by 'superstitious methods' in 1886. The authorities then required all practitioners to pass a written examination in the anatomy, physiology and massage theory. This forced many practitioners underground, and even now many will not perform their ancient art, but for in their homes or other private locations even though the laws were updated in 2001 to prevent prosecution.

A basic foundation of the Huna philosophy is that everyone seeks loves and everything seeks harmony. When the body lacks harmony, the result is pain emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. Sickness is as a result of tension, which effectively leads to physical resistance blocking the movement of energy. The Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage therapy helps in releasing this tension and thus opens the road to holistic healing. On the physical level, tension and stress are relieved, lymph and blood flow assisted or restored, and the body gets stimulated to eliminate toxins and wastes. Many practitioners will ask their clients to pray, meditate or adjust their diets to achieve the maximum benefit from this holistic massage.

How to perform a Lomi Lomi luxury massage 


There is no rigidly set format for the Lomi Lomi procedure and every massage should be dictated by the energy flow of individual’s body. No two massages can, therefore, be completely identical, which is perfect therapy as the therapist creates a personalized experience for each client.

Here are easy steps to follow when giving a restorative, relaxing home massage based on the original Hawaiian style.


How to do a Luxury Lomi Lomi Massage at Home with oils by Elle Smith


  • Choose your oils

You can choose to use water-based oil as it is easier to clean afterward. Remember you are doing it at home and not at the professional massage parlour. Jojoba oil, grapeseed, or almond are all recommended for this massage, with a couple of drops of the lavender essential oil. Sesame oil is good during cold seasons as it gently warms up the body. In summer months, you may want to use coconut oil as it naturally helps to cool the body.

Before you start the procedure, confirm that the person getting the massage doesn’t have any allergies to products like lavender or almond oil. There are always alternatives to nut-based oils, for example, evening primrose, jasmine or safflower oils. Avocado oil is another alternative, but this is a heavier oil and is perhaps better suited to more mature skin.


  • Create the right atmosphere

This is very important as location is everything to relaxation. A cold room or room where external noise can interrupt you zoning out to a space for relaxation should of course be avoided.

You can prepare the room for the massage space by having some essential oils sprinkled around, burning incense or pampering with fresh flowers in an atmosphere of low, ambient lighting. If the massage recipient loves music, you could have some soothing background music or sounds of nature.


  • Channelling the positive energy

Get the person who is receiving the massage therapy to lie face down, then ask him or her to take a couple of deep breaths. Proceed by placing your hands on their back where it corresponds to the heart. Your goal is to channel positive energy down from your heart and coming through both of your hands.


  • Muscle warm up


It is important to warm up the muscles as you begin a massage just like a seasoned athlete would. You can start with long, light flowing strokes on the surface, working more deeply into the muscles as you progress. Remember relaxation is key, and a gentle build-up will allow the person to feel comfy and give them time to zone out of every day life.


  • Move smoothly

It's vital that a calm, almost meditative mental state is achieved in order to bring the desired calmness to the recipient. Use soothing, flowing movements using both your hands in fluid, long sweeps. Remember to use enough oil so as to avoid causing unpleasant friction, but not too much.


  • Methodically work through the body

Start at the back and gradually work through the rear of the arms, the neck, the legs, ending at the feet. If the person receiving the massage is comfortable with a front massage, address the legs upwards to the arms, and chest. Stimulating reflex points located in the feet and hands releases endorphins which bring a whole body feel-good effect. Always try to achieve order in terms of what areas you address, as connecting areas of the body is more natural, rather than changing from one location to another. Equally, the sense of oozing the daily stresses out of the body is achieved by this flow of movement.


  • Use your intuition

Listen carefully to the body and if an area goes red or tenses up, give that section some extra work. There are definitely some areas that are no-go zones like the stomach as it can feel too intimate. Always seek the opinion of the person receiving the massage before you start and always avoid the surprise element by keeping your movements fluid. Likewise if an area offers more relaxation to the recipient, go with the flow giving deeper therapy to offer maximum benefit of your 'loving hands' therapy.


  • Finish nurturingly

Cool down the person’s muscles with relaxing, long strokes and finish with one more energy balance just like you started – just as the traditional Huna Lomi Lomi massage was designed to do. 


Lomi Lomi Massage Benefits


The goal of the Lomi Lomi massage is to treat your body and mind. Among the many benefits associated with the luxurious Lomi Lomi massage are:

  • Improves blood and lymph system circulation
  • Revitalises, cleanses and connects all aspects of the being
  • Relieves tension
  • Break-up lactic acid and fibrous deposits
  • Eliminate oedema and toxins
  • Alleviates stiff joints and muscle spasm
  • Increases appetite, metabolism and energy
  • Helps in complete body alignment
  • Assists in reclaiming the youthful vigour, grace of body-mind
  • Awakens a new level of spirituality, instilling a sense of wellbeing, peace and harmony
  • You learn how to move, breathe, touch and be touched in special ways that enhance wholeness and wellbeing.


In Hawaii, the Lomi Lomi therapy is also used in treating small children experiencing upset stomachs and in soothing women in labour. 


Products needed to recreate the traditional Lomi Lomi massage


You can choose to use ordinary and easily available oils such as Coconut oil, Jojoba oil, Grapeseed, Almond oil or Sesame oil.

If you wish to go closer to the ingredients used in Hawaii, try the following:

Magnolia + Coconut + Kukui - One combination you can use to recreate the traditional Lomi Lomi massage is Magnolia, Coconut and Kukui. This luscious massage and body oil will whisk you away to pure bliss in tropical isles. This LOMI LOMI and luscious body oil can be obtained for $22 from


Magnolia and coconut oils – This blend of coconut oils and magnolia will instantly carry you into a blissful place.

Buddha Blends Body Therapy Cream – This massage cream has been made using a variety of oils plus beeswax. To order this amazing massage cream, go to


Making the Lomi Lomi procedure extra luxurious and special


A number of new concepts have been incorporated into the Lomi Lomi massage such as hot stones, chiropractic manoeuvres, Swedish massage, or flowing arm movements. These are largely modifications of the original Lomi Lomi as practised in Hawaii. Lomi Lomi in some cases now entails the use of breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation and natural healing through the use of herbal remedies.

An important aspect that adds great value to the Lomi Lomi massage therapy is to learning to forgive and letting go of all resentment. This may seem a bizarre concept, however even psychologists often work in pain management clinics in the Western world for this reason. Tensions and stress have a negative impact on the body, as we will naturally tense up and worry about problems in our lives. Neck pain is a prime example, where stress often causes tension build up in the neck and shoulders, causing secondary pain. Happiness is an essential ingredient to our wellbeing, often allowing us to cope with stress and daily toils in a more healthy way.

Often, and with good reason, Lomi Lomi is fondly known as a 'Loving Hands Massage'. This a brilliant way to de-stress and relax regularly, and even better as a perfect ritual for a couple. This massage could perhaps be combined with reading poetry or other literature to each other as a loving, ritual taking you both an ocean away from the regular, conventional activities.




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