A Whirlwind of Autumn Leaves - Art Painting

Inspired By Elle

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A Whirlwind of Autumn Leaves is a unique abstract art painting by UK artist Elle Smith, which is both eye-catching and colourful. It is suitable for commercial settings and the home. You may request that artwork to be framed to further blend with your suited location.

Artist Elle Smith dares you to imagine golden leaves in autumn being spun into a whirlwind. They produce a spiral of light with mixed colours as the leaves are swept up in the air. A Whirlwind of Autumn Leaves will bring nature into your surroundings, and allows true synergy with our environment.

This oil painting captures the feel of autumn (or fall) beautifully as the leaves change colours and whirl in the breeze, creating stunning colour in the air. This contemporary artwork would be a great buy for the home or even commercial use, as it has suitability as a single art print or painting, yet equally as a wallpaper design or border arrangement. The use of ultramarine blue and magenta red gives the feel of the air whipping up clusters of leaves. 

This abstract art painting of a Whirlwind of Autumn Leaves is minimalist style, which which alight a plain, white wall in the home or office.

Oil on Canvas, 12 by 10 inches (30 by 25cm)

Category: Abstract, blue, gold

Type: Painting


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