Any Seat Will Do

Rosa Parks and those other civil rights activists made such huge statements in simple actions we take for granted today. London poet Elle Smith takes to verse to interpret the significance of what Rosa Parks did that day for inequality in her original poem "Any Seat Will Do":


Any Seat Will Do by Elle Smith Poet

Visions in the Mirror

What a beautiful and inspirational poem about love centred around refections in a mirror. 'Visions in the Mirror' is an original, contemporary poem by London poet, Elle Smith which is packed with imagination:

girl mirror

We are the World

The world is now consumed with an insatiable need to categorize and label all men and women, but is this correct? London artist and poet, Elle Smith, writes this reflective poem which asks whether it is right to label and categorise people. The poem is called 'We are the World' and it certainly questions profiling people:

Did the bee sting?

We all recognize the talent of the late, Muhammad Ali, but what could possibly be his legacy? Elle Smith takes to verse in her original poem "Did the Bee Sting" to offer a unique perspective of that legacy:

Enigma code for Human Rights

We are facing unprecedented times where human rights and civil liberties are being eroded as life in the 21st Century changes. 'The Enigma Code for Human Rights' is a contemporary poem inspired by the case of Lauri Love and composed in a sophisticated way by London poet, Elle Smith:

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